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Maltesers Fun Size 144g
- Multi Pack (12 packs)
- Milk Chocolate spheres with crisp malt centers in 1 packaging
- Lighter way to enjoy chocolate
- Perfect for sharing
- Product of Australia
Actual Weight: 0.16 KGs
Product Dimensions: 7 x 1 x 10
Product Details +
Specifications +
Reviews (0) +
Crisp malt centers covered with a chock-full of smooth chocolate, Maltesers are a fun way to treat yourself with that chocolate craving. Pop one, two, or the whole pack in a sitting and you'll definitely still grab for more. You can also share it with someone. "One for you, two for me," that's already fair and they can't disagree.
So grab a pack and satisfy that craving. Experience the lighter way to enjoy chocolate in every bite.
Always Fresh, Delivers Daily. We guarantee the FRESHNESS and QUALITY satisfaction of this product. We'll make sure to deliver it right at your doorstep with any applicable use by, sell by, best by, or expiration dates.