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KitKat Mini Sweetness Dark Chocolate 1 pack
- Multi-pack (12 counts)
- Kitkat Chocolat-covered Wafers in 1 plastic packaging
- Bitter sweet dark chocolate flavor
- Creamy and crunchy snack
- Product of Japan
Actual Weight: 0.16 KGs
Product Dimensions: 9.5 x 1 x 6.5
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Bored? Hungry? Grab a Kitkat! Now, that’s the product tag line that we always hear in different commercials and television advertisement. It might sound like a common invitation, but it is indeed true! When you are tired and when you are bored, a good old Kitkat can definitely make your boredom fade away!
This irresistible crunch is now back with a new surprise as it comes with a green tea treat! The new Kitkat Mini Bitter Sweet Dark Chocolate is something that you would definitely love when you are on-the-go. It is easy to eat and it is very convenient to bring around as it has a cute plastic pack that you can carry anywhere! Bite into the crunch and soothe your boredom with Kitkat! Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
We GUARANTEE FRESHNESS and QUALITY satisfaction with this product, and that it will be delivered with any applicable use by, sell by, best by or expiration dates.
Consume upon opening.
Store in a dry, cool place.
Shelf life may last up to 2 months if stored in a favorable area and refrigerated. Store inside a tightly sealed container.