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Martha Stewart Collection 16-inch Zippered Mattress Protector Twin Size 1pc
- Single Item
- Twin Size Mattress Cover in 1 packaging
- With built-in zipper for keeping it in place, fits mattress up to 16-inch depth
- 99cm x 190cm
- Waterproof protection and Antimicrobial Finish
Actual Weight: 0.56 KGs
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1 x 11
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It is true that when your mattress sheets are being a stubborn bedding, your sleep will surely not be as peaceful as you thought it would. But hey! Fret no more for Miss Martha Stewart has lent us with one of her outstanding collections. Introducing Martha Stewart Collection 16-inch Zippered Mattress Protector in Twin Size!
This mattress protector can easily fit your 16-inch foams and mattress while keeping it in place, With its built-in zipper feature, you are guaranteed to have a secured sheet placing. It is also waterproof if ever you accidentally spilled something on your bed, and it has an anti-microbial finish for better security against germs and bacteria. Score yours and sleep better at night! Available only at S&R Membership Shopping!
Store in a cool, dry place.
Keep away from sources of fire and too much moisture.
Sanitize before and after use.
Wash carefully. Dry thoroughly.
When washing, use non-chlorine bleach or detergent to protect its color. Do not wring.