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Sipsmith London Dry Gin 700mL
- Single Item
- Dry Gin in 1 glass bottle
- 41.6% alc. / vol.
- Juniper, lemon tart & orange marmalade
- Produced in the United Kingdom
Actual Weight: 1.45 KGs
Product Dimensions: 3.54 x 3.54 x 10.03
Product Details +
Specifications +
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This is it, chief! This is the gin, made the way it used to be, and the way we believe should always be! Sipsmith London Dry Gin is the quintessential expression of a classic, traditional London Dry Gin; bold, complex and aromatic, smooth enough for a Martini, yet rich and balanced for a perfect G&T. This dram gets a respectful nod from the traditional hand-crafted way of production, as it combines traditional copper pot distillation with a recipe that wouldn't look unfamiliar to an eighteenth-century Master Distiller.
There’s no fight in this one – all you and your friends can say after tasting the warming spirit of Sipsmith London Dry Gin neat or on-ice is, “well, it tastes like the perfect GIN!” Oh, yes it does, nothing more and nothing less!
This Gin stays fine for years, and its shelf life is basically indefinite. As long as your bottle of Sipsmith London Dry, or any other quality brand, is unopened, it can sit in the cabinet for years. Even if the bottle or seal wasn't compromised in any way, the alcohol should taste perfectly fine after opening.