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Alhambra Solera Brandy 1L
- Single Item
- Solera Brandy in 1 glass bottle
- 32% Alcohol Volume
- Aged in Sherry oak casks
- Product of Spain
Actual Weight: 1.62 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4 x 4 x 13
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Here’s another brandy worthy of your praise and extensive drinking sessions! Alhambra Solera Brandy will spice things up with its unique and extraordinary distillation of the country’s specially selected grapes. Only the Solera System and its distinctive setting add the rich flavors of nougats, raisins, and chocolates with a slight hint of nuts, lending an exceptional character to its aroma.
Serve on the rocks in a tumbler with one or two ice cubes, add a dash of angostura bitters on top of the ice and muddle a twist of orange peel with the help of a cocktail spoon to fully experience the relaxing company of Alhambra Solera Brandy.
Once this bottle of brandy is opened, while it can still be stored pretty much indefinitely, there will be some changes to the taste and quality.