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Charisma Nanotex Fabric Smart Comfort Bedsheet King Size 1 Set
- Multi-pack (1 fitted sheet, 1 flat sheet, 2 king pillowcases)
- Bedsheet King Size in 1 packaging
- NANOTEX wicking technology pulls moisture away from the skin
- Micro-brushed performance fabric for ultimate softness
- 78in x 80in, 106in x 102in, and 20in x 40in respectively
Actual Weight: 1.99 KGs
Product Dimensions: 11.5 x 5 x 9.5
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Is it that time of the month to change new sheets in the bedroom? We got just the thing for everything in your bed; from your sheets down to your pillowcase. We got Charisma Nanotex Fabric SMART COMFORT King Size Sheet Set. These sheets are micro-brushed performance fabric for ultimate softness, while featuring wide elastic for the perfect fit for mattresses up to 16” deep.
Now, that’s something we can get drowned in – softness and clean all around to wrap us away to dreamland as we take our sweet repose. Lay yourself in and relax on this king-sized bed with Charisma Nanotex Fabric SMART COMFORT Queen Sheet Set – you deserve it!
See sewn-in label for complete instructions.