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Lemnos Spreadable Ricotta Cheese 250g
- Single Item
- Creamy Texture
- Versatile Culinary Companion
- Pure and Natural Ingredients
- Packaging may vary depending on the stock availability
Actual Weight: 0.28 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4 x 2.5 x 4
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Elevate your taste experience with Lemnos Spreadable Ricotta Cheese 250g – a velvety delight that transforms every dish into a gourmet masterpiece, crafted with pure and natural ingredients for an indulgent treat.
Introducing Lemnos Spreadable Ricotta Cheese – a culinary masterpiece that combines the smooth, creamy texture of ricotta with the convenience of a spread. Indulge your senses as this rich and velvety delight transforms ordinary dishes into gourmet experiences. Perfect for spreading on fresh bread, crackers, or incorporating into recipes for an added layer of decadence, Lemnos Spreadable Ricotta elevates your culinary adventures. With a commitment to pure and natural ingredients, each 250g jar promises a wholesome and delicious taste, ensuring that every bite is a moment of culinary bliss.