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Fini Jelly Beans 300g
- Single Item
- Gummy Jelly Beans in 1 plastic tub
- Sin and gluten free, 0% fat
- Soft jelly beans in assorted flavors
- Product of Spain
Actual Weight: 0.32 KGs
Product Dimensions: 3.54 x 3.54 x 4
Product Details +
Specifications +
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I’m losing strength as my power reserves are all drained out. Even my body’s worn out from all the damage I’ve taken against this monster’s flurry of attacks, left and right. Somebody pop me a magic bean to restore me to full power and transform to Ultra Instinct Saiyan form, please! Oh, childhood animé and cartoons are so much fun especially when you got a pack of Fini Jelly Beans by your side. These sin and gluten free jellies come in assorted colors and flavors, perfect for your sky-soaring playful snacking!
So, pop open a Fini Jelly Beans pack and be at your childlike best on your gaming console, cartoon-watching, or anything kid-level fun with the kids or the whole family!
Please do not swallow the product all at once.