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Herman Crunchy Biscuit Spread 560g
- Single Item
- Biscuit Spread in 1 plastic jar
- Made more yummier and creamier
- Caramelized Biscuit Flavor
- Product of the UAE
Actual Weight: 0.6 KGs
Product Dimensions: 3 x 3 x 6
Product Details +
Specifications +
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So much more taste, so much more goodness… to your hot pandesal mornings with Herman Crunchy Biscuit Spread! This versatile, creamy biscuit spread also goes well with other pastries – donuts, long and short bread, chips, pretzels and more. It comes ready-to-eat, bringing you an easy dip you can serve guests or devour with the family.
8 out of 10 moms would buy Herman Crunchy Biscuit Spread again. We bet this spread won’t last that long with the family gorging on it every now and then.
Allergen information: Contains wheat gluten, soy & milk. Processed in a facility that also processes product containing Peanuts, Pistachio, Cashewnut, Hazelnut & other tree nuts.