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Surf Professional Laundry Capsules 750g
- Single Item
- Removes 99 type of stains
- Triple action laundry capsules
- 8x cleaning power, Anti-bacterial, Colour protection
- Packaging may vary depending on stock availability
Actual Weight: 0.92 KGs
Product Dimensions: 6 x 6 x 6
Product Details +
Specifications +
Reviews (0) +
Removes 7-day old stubborn stains, such as sweat, ketchup, soy sauce, chocolate drink, oil, mascara, coloured chalk, blood. Suitable for cotton, polyester, polycotton and delicate fabric such as wool and silk. Our biodegradable capsules are made with water-soluble film imported from Japan.
Place product in a cool and dry place. Avoid exposure to high temperature and sunlight. Product appearance may change slightly after long term storage but product performance is not affected.