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Member's Value Super Foaming Car Shampoo 3.79L
- Single Item
- Car shampoo in 1 packaging
- pH Balanced formula
- Safely cleans without stripping wax
- Super Foaming
Actual Weight: 3.98 KGs
Product Dimensions: 7 x 4 x 11.5
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D’aww, look at your old boy looking all dreary, dented, and lined with micro scratches. Looks like your car has seen better days; a new paint job or get a new car perhaps? No need! We’ll bring back your car to mint condition with Member's Value Super Foaming Car Shampoo. It’s specially formulated to safely clean car paint surfaces without stripping wax, thanks to its pH balanced formula, leaving your car looking all clean, sleek, and shiny!
All it takes is a single wipe and your car will instantly sport that “it ain’t much, just got waxed’ look and feel – all brought to you by Member's Value Super Foaming Car Shampoo. Use daily on your car and feel like Ferrari!
Directions: Mixed desired amount in a clean bucket. Generate thick foamy lather using a jet stream while filling, or dip squeeze car sponge repeatedly.
Avoid contact with eyes. In case of direct contact, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Seek medical attention if case worsens. Keep out of reach of children.