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CleanAide Commercial Micro Fiber Towel 12pcs
- Multi Pack (12 cloths)
- Microfiber towels
- Different High-bacteria variants: Food, Specialty Area, and General use towels
- Eco-friendly, Chemical-free
- Color-coded Cleaning scheme for easier organization
Actual Weight: 0.64 KGs
Product Dimensions: 8.26 x 3.14 x 15.74
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Be Mr. Have it All… when it comes to cleaning every puddle, mess or stain you see around the house with CleanAide Commercial Micro Fiber towels. CleanAide has just the right color-coded towel for every inconceivable mess in the house: one for food, one for specialty areas, and one for general use – everybody gets one (please imagine Oprah’s meme in your head)! Cleaning is made much fun and less stressful as each color has a specific cleaning purpose to avoid cross contamination.
All it takes is a single wipe-right and you’re Gucci! Spotless surfaces all around! All that clean with CleanAide Commercial Micro Fiber Towel!
Plastic bag container and towels can be dangerous. To avoid danger of suffocation, keep them away from babies and children.