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Breville the Barista Express Coffee Maker and Milk Boiler BES870
- Single Item
- Coffee maker with grinder and milk boiler in 1 box
- With conical burr grinder, and dose control
- Adjustable grind size, comes with 6 cup warming tray, 2L water tank
- Product of Australia
Actual Weight: 11 KGs
Product Dimensions: 15.5 x 15.5 x 16.5
Product Details +
Specifications +
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In the morning, the best thing to start your day right is with the right cup of coffee! Now, you don't have to run fast to your trusted coffee shops just to get an excellent cup of your preferred coffee, because with Breville the Barista Express Coffee Maker, you can craft this even in the comforts of your own home.
Each Barista Express Machine is made with high quality materials sourced straight from Australia. It is made with love and care just like how it takes care of your coffee beans. It has a built-in stainless steel body for easy-cleaning! So, what are you waiting for? Be the barista that you have always dreamed of and craft those artisan coffee in the comforts of your own home! Shop your Breville Brand only here at S&R Membership Shopping!
Place in a secured area without obstructions.
Check its functions before using.
Double check items for defects before using.
Make sure to check it at least twice a month for maximum performance and efficiency.