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Member's Value Boys' Size 10 White V-Neck T-Shirt 3pcs
- Single Item
- Size 10 White T-Shirt in 1 packaging
- 100% cotton
- Size: Length 23", Chest 31", Shoulder width 14 1/4", Bottom opening 31"
- Packaging may vary depending on the stock availability
Actual Weight: 0.32 KGs
Product Dimensions: 9 x 1 x 11
Product Details +
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What do boys want when they shop their shirt? It's not style. It's about finding the perfect size and what the material is made of. What boys want is Member's Value Boys' Size 10 White Tank Top.
A shirt made only with the highest-quality of cotton that makes boys feel confident as they face the world.
Machine wash cold. Use non-chlorine Bleach when needed. Tumble dry low.