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Jinro Chamisul Flavored Soju Assorted 4 bottles
- Multi-pack (4 pieces)
- Korean Soju,360mL per bottle in 1 packaging
- 13% alc. / vol.
- Grapefruit and Green Grape Flavors
- Product of Korea
Actual Weight: 2.66 KGs
Product Dimensions: 5.31 x 4.72 x 8.66
Product Details +
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Come and taste how the Koreans do vodka; well, their version of vodka. Jinro Chamisul Soju a clear distilled liquor made from rice and the most popular type of alcoholic drink in Korea. No wonder Soju is Korea’s most sought-out alcoholic beverage and by other Asians too! Jinro Chamisul Soju has a natural hint of botanicals that can make for a smoother taste such as Jinro’s grapefruit and green grape flavored sojus, which are very fruity unlike regular soju.
No wonder droves of our Asian brothers and sisters come naturally together and share cold bottles of Jinro Chamisul Soju for meaningful bonding moments!
Soju is a distilled beverage with a high proof and no added organic ingredients, it doesn't have a specific expiration date.