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Wilkins Distilled Drinking Water 3 Bottles
- Multi-pack (3 pieces)
- Drinking Water in 1 Liter plastic bottle
- Hydrating and refreshing
- Safe for drinking
- Product of the Philippines
Actual Weight: 21.29 KGs
Product Dimensions: 19 x 6 x 15.5
Product Details +
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Hydrate yourself everyday and keep your body healthy and energized when you drink only the best water that Philippines has to offer. With Wilkins Distilled Drinking Water, you can easily regain and recharge with something oh-so cool and fresh. Serve it chilled for more thirst-quenching feeling.
This water underwent an intricate filtration and distillation, just to offer a pristine drinking water that's safe to consume for everyone. Keep yourself hydrated anytime and anywhere. Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
Consume upon opening.
Store in a dry, cool place.
Shelf life may last up indefinitely if stored in a favorable area or refrigerated and unopened. Store inside a tightly sealed container