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Webber Naturals Collagen Plus with L-lysine and Vitamin C 300 tablets
- Single Item
- Collagen Plus with L-lysine & Vitamin C tablets in 1 plastic container
- Enhances health of connective tissues, joints, gums, and skin
- Reduces joint pain and halts degeneration of connective tissues
- Product of Canada
Actual Weight: 0.49 KGs
Product Dimensions: 3.5 x 3.5 x 6.5
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Are there days when you think to yourself, “huh, I feel fine and I’m functioning pretty fine for my age. Sky’s the limit and I don’t think I’m gonna slow down anytime soon!” That’s all well and good! But how about we keep it that way for longer with the help of Webber Naturals Collagen Plus w/ L-lysine & Vitamin C! The combination of these key nutrients works synergistically to boost the health of connective tissue, keeping joints strong, and supple – whatever your age!
Added bonus by taking Webber Naturals Collagen Plus w/ L-lysine & Vitamin C daily; you get healthy, hydrated skin too! Now, isn’t that too good of a deal to pass on? So, go pop these tablets regularly for these amazing health benefits!
Suggested Use (Adult Dose): 1 tablet 2 times daily or as directed by the physician.
Consult a physician prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Keep out of reach of children.