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Applied Nutrition Liquid Collagen Tubes 30pcs
- Single Item
- Collagen Tubes in 1 packaging
- Type 1 & 3 hydrolyzed collagen
- Concentrated drink mix
- Packaging may vary depending on the stock availability
Actual Weight: 0.46 KGs
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 2.5 x 6.5
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Provide a convenient and efficient way to support skin revitalization and healthy skin hydration. These liquid-form collagen tubes contain Type 1 & 3 Hydrolyzed Collagen and are designed to be readily absorbed, requiring little digestion for assimilation into the body, making them a convenient addition to your skincare routine.
Offer a skin revitalization solution with Type 1 & 3 Hydrolyzed Collagen, promoting healthy skin hydration and fighting the effects of aging. These convenient liquid tubes contain a tropical strawberry & kiwi flavor, making them a flavorful addition to your skincare routine.