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Soft Indulgence Cotton Pads 3 packs
- Multi-pack (300 pieces)
- Cotton pads,100 pieces each in 1 packaging
- Made from 100% pure cotton extra soft, hygienic, highly absorbent
- Soft, Lint Free, Absorbent
- S&R Exclusive Item
Actual Weight: 0.2 KGs
Product Dimensions: 7 x 2 x 11
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We see you’re about to attend to your “nightly affairs” before hitting the sheets. Want us to give you a hand with your pre-bedtime ritual? Here, try our Soft Indulgence Cotton Pads to get on it quicker and more efficiently! This cotton pads are made from 100% pure cotton material, extra soft, hygienic and highly absorbent – everything you’ll ever need from a cotton!
So, shy away from your usual cotton balls and use Soft Indulgence Cotton Pads instead for an easier time during your nightly facial routine or just about any use you have for it – it’s all soft and gentle!
Directions: Perfect for beauty needs and baby care. Gentle to sensitive skin while providing greater absorbency. Also ideal for first aid and surgical preparations.
Stop use if irritation occurs. Keep away from humidity. Keep out of reach of children.