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MGI Gorgonzola Shrimp Snack 360g
- Single Item
- Shrimp Snack in 1 packaging
- Roasted with Oil
- Gorgonzola Cheese
- Packaging may vary depending on stock availability
Actual Weight: 0.38 KGs
Product Dimensions: 3 x 9.5 x 12
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Indulge in the unique and savory experience of MGI Gorgonzola Shrimp Snack – a delectable fusion of flavors that will tantalize your taste buds. Crafted with precision and care, this snack is a perfect blend of premium shrimp and the rich, bold taste of Gorgonzola cheese.
Made with high-quality shrimp and authentic Gorgonzola cheese, ensuring a gourmet snacking experience.