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Zip Multi-Purpose Scouring Powder 3 in 1 Jumbo Set Lemon Scented 3pcs
- Multi-pack (3 counts)
- All-purpose scouring powder in 1 plastic container
- Perfect for kitchen, bathroom, outdoor furniture, and floor cleaning
- Leaves a fresh, lemon scent, Active Formula with Bicarbonate
- Product of Malaysia
Actual Weight: 2.52 KGs
Product Dimensions: 8 x 3 x 10
Product Details +
Specifications +
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If the sight of spaghetti, fruit juice, salsa, BBQ sauce, chocolate and more gritty stains in the house give you a massive headache, worry no more. Zip Multi-Purpose Scouring Powder with Lemon Scent will wipe your cleaning woes away.
It effectively removes tough stains and grease, leaving a sparkling clean finish. If you got some heavily stained surfaces on countertops, sinks, appliances, tubs, stainless steel, and anywhere you name it – Zip Multi-Purpose Cleaner will help with that on the first try.
It will transform your home into a Lemon Field. So, go on. Escape to a peaceful, pristine retreat in your very own home with Zip Multi-Purpose Scouring Powder Lemon Scent.
Go and get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
Keep out of reach of children.
Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
Avoid contact with clothes.
Do not mix with any other substance or liquid.
If unopened and stored properly, shelf life may last up to 2 years.