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Scotch-Brite Heavy Duty Scrub Sponges 21pcs
- Multi-pack (24 counts)
- Scrub Sponges in 1 packaging
- Powerful scrubbing for stuck-on messes
- Safe on non-coated cookware, oven racks, concrete, tools and more
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 0.48 KGs
Product Dimensions: 6 x 5 x 8
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Do you want to make washing the dishes easier but an electric dishwasher is just not accessible to you? Do you encounter stubborn marks or stains on your cookware such as those left by oil and burned food? Do you find it extra hard to scrub off remnants left on cooking materials, plates, pots, and pans even if you already have a quality dishwashing liquid?
The answer lies in the sponge you are using! With Scotch-Brite Heavy Duty Scrub Sponges, the solution is finallly going to be in the very hands you use to wash all those dishes daily. No more endless scrubbing or scratching out of frustration when washing dishes that ultimately leads you to damage in your cookware. These heavy-duty sponges have the power to remove tough, baked-on messes 50% faster than competing sponges. Clean and scrub easier and faster with efficient heavy duty sponge scrubs. Choose to clean effectively, but choose not to scratch with Scotch-Brite Heavy Duty Scrub Sponges, your easy solution to tough baked-on messes.
Use and Care:
• Rinse thoroughly before and after each use.
• Squeeze dry.
• Sanitize in the dishwasher or by boiling
• Do not microwave.
• Do not use on stainless steel appliances.
• Test first in an insconspicuous area and allow to dry to verify no surface damage.
• Not for aquarium use.
• Store in a cool and dry place.