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Scotch-Brite Heavy Duty Industrial Size Scour Pads 20pcs
- Multi-pack (20 pieces)
- Heavy Duty Scour Pads in 1 packaging
- Designed to provide fast cleanups of tough jobs
- Removes tough, baked-on-messes 50% faster
- Ideal for Restaurants, Kitchens, Broilers, Whitewall Tires, Garden Tools, Grills & More
Actual Weight: 0.57 KGs
Product Dimensions: 6.69 x 2.36 x 9.44
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If you’ve started to develop stronger and leaner arms (not that it’s a bad thing) from scrubbing hard on your cleaning chores in the kitchen, bathroom, garage, or outdoors, it’s time to give yourself a rest. Scotch-Brite® Heavy Duty Scrub will tackle all that intensive cleaning job for you. It’s coated with minerals that provides a rough surface to remove residue from dishes, utensils, and cookware. It also scrubs away baked-on food and messes 50 percent faster than other scrub sponges.
Since you’ve developed some nice guns from your tough scrubbing days, power it up with Scotch-Brite® Heavy Duty Scour Pads to get take care of stains more efficiently!
This product may scratch. Test first in an inconspicuous area and allow to dry to verify no surface damage. Not for aquarium use.