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Pine-Sol Original Multi-Surface Cleaner 2pcs
- Single Item
- Multi-Surface Cleaner liquid solution in each 2.95L plastic bottle
- Kills 99.9% of germs
- Removes tough grease and dirt
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 6.5 KGs
Product Dimensions: 9 x 8 x 11
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Dirt, grime, grease, and stains got nothing on you as their new terror has arrived. Pine-Sol Original Multi-Surface Cleaner is the #1 dilutable cleaner trusted by many to get the cleaning job done around the house. Pine-Sol concentrated formula powerfully cleans hard, nonporous surfaces, including doors, sinks, counters, stoves, bathtubs, shower stalls, tile and more. It also leaves a fresh scent after every application.
So, if you want a trusty multi-surface cleaner that cuts through tough grease, grime and dirt, scrub easy – Pine-Sol Original Multi-Surface Cleaner got you.
Use ¼ cup per gallon of water. No rinsing required except on rubber or asphalt tile.
Keep out of reach of children
Multi-surface cleaners have a shelf life lasting to two years when stored properly.