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Baygon Mosquito Coil 6 packs
- Multi-pack (6 boxes)
- Mosquito Coils,12 coils per packaging
- Each coil lasts for 8 hours
- 12 nights of Mosquito Protection
- Proven effective on warding against mosquitoes
Actual Weight: 0.97 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4.72 x 4.72 x 6.69
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Sleep better at night knowing that you're well protected against mosquitoes and other insect bites with Baygon® Mosquito Coil. A single pack can provide you 12 nights of protection against disease-carrying mosquitoes. Each coil is guaranteed to last up to 8 hours of protection against mosquito bites. Now, that’s power and security in a single coil!
So, put the mosquito net away and lay it to rest – Baygon® Mosquito Coil will be on guard duty for tonight while you peacefully sleep the night away!
Directions: Snap the tip and center of the coil pair. Place the coil in the middle of the coil stand. Light the tip of the coil. Make sure that smoke is emitted from the lighted tip.
Contains pyrethroid. In case of ingestion, do not induce vomiting. Give symptomatic and supportive treatment.
Store in a cool dry place. Make sure room is well-ventilated before using the product. Discard in trash after use.