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Arm & Hammer Fridge-N-Freezer Baking Soda 396.8g
- Single Item
- Baking Soda in 1 box
- Flo-Thru Technology
- Spill-proof package
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 0.45 KGs
Product Dimensions: 3.5 x 2 x 5
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On our today’s episode of, Today I Learned; did you know that baking soda can deodorize pungent odor inside your fridge caused by leftover food that has gotten bad? Just open a jar or carton of baking soda, and leave it inside the fridge to do its job. Quite cool, isn’t it? What’s cooler is that it’s got more than a hundred uses than we can list down here… oh wait, Arm & Hammer Fridge-N-Freezer Baking Soda’s job is exactly what we just told you.
It contains pure baking soda, designed specifically for deodorizing. Arm & Hammer Fridge-N-Freezer Baking Soda won’t back from pungent “nose-killer” odors. A&H is going to hammer its way out of any inconceivable nasty smell!
Use a new box each month for fresher tasting food. Change every 30 days.
Do not remove box top.