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Auto-Gard Air Dehumidifier 3pcs
- Multi-pack (3 counts)
- Air dehumidifier in 1 packaging
- Contains E15 Odor-Eliminating Charcoal
- Purifies air
- Dehumidifies and eliminates bad odor
Actual Weight: 1.04 KGs
Product Dimensions: 6 x 8.26 x 4.72
Product Details +
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Your vehicle’s all spacious but it feels like you’re being suffocated in a small fish tank with all the molds and unsettling odor in the air. Breathe easy, Auto-Gard Air Dehumidifier will clear the air with a nose-friendly freshness to boot! This disposable dehumidifier can mask the whole room with a cozy and home-y feel for everyone. It has the power to freshen up the insides of your car with its powered-up Odor-eliminating Charcoal, making the air relaxing and refreshing to breathe in.
So, take it all in and be at home in your own car with Auto-Gard Air Dehumidifier best used daily!
Directions: Remove plastic lid, peel foil wrapper. Do not remove or pierce the white paper membrane. Remove plastic and keep watch on rising water level.
The absorbed water is PH 5 to 9. Do not use on any other purpose.