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Vieira Princesa Biscuits Assorted 400g
- Single Item
- Assorted Biscuits in 1 packaging
- A bit of every biscuit type for everyone
- Biscuit variants include: Choco-filled wafers, choco-coated pretzels, and more
- Product of Portugal
Actual Weight: 0.42 KGs
Product Dimensions: 7.08 x 4.72 x 12.2
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Are you keen for some biscuits, friend? What type of biscuit are you thinking just about now? Undecided? No problem! Vieira Princesa Assorted Biscuits got heaps of assorted biscuits for you to choose from. We got bite-sized, chocolate-filled wafers that are crispy. Oh, more chocolate you say? We got chocolate-coated pretzels in different shapes. We’re gonna stop there, and just let you discover this bag of little goodie treats for yourself!
Did the wafers and pretzels get you sold already? So are we! So, grab a bag of Vieira Princesa Assorted Biscuits now and have a fun time snacking with family and friends!
Consume upon opening. Keep tin container closed when not in use to keep freshness.