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Quinns Corn Pops Sweet Corn Flavor 520g
- Single Item
- Corn pops in 1 plastic container
- Crispy, crunchy, and seasoned well to fit your liking
- Sweet corn flavored snack
- For everyone's snacking
Actual Weight: 0.63 KGs
Product Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 7
Product Details +
Specifications +
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What's popping? Let yourself have a quick breather and snack on something that's sweet and delightful to the palate. These bite-sized snacks from Quinns will truly fill you up with the energy that you need throughout the day when you sandwiched with a lot of things to do. Don't worry, despite being a tiny, each corn pops from Quinns is packed with the best sweet corn flavor that your taste buds will surely love.
Pair it with your crisp beverage and share it with a friend! Enjoy snack time better with Quinns. Shop yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
Consume upon opening.
Keep refrigerated.
Shelf life may last to 1 year if kept chilled and refrigerated.