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Pik-Nik Fabulous Fries Thick Cut Potatoes 255g
- Single Item
- Shoestring Potato Strips in 1 carton canister
- 0% Trans Fat & 0% Preservatives
- Thick Cut Potatoes in Original Flavor
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 0.34 KGs
Product Dimensions: 5.51 x 5.51 x 10.23
Product Details +
Specifications +
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It’s very telling how one brand of trumps the rest when it comes to most beloved shoestring potatoes in the world. For over 80 years, Pik-Nik had been making a killing in that department, making it the highest quality, best-tasting shoestring potatoes in the world. If you want to taste what that claim is all about, Pik-Nik Fabulous Fries Thick Cut Potatoes is your next tier experience to this global-scale potato wonder – only thicker and more fabulous!
You can bet that once you get a hold of Pik-Nik Fabulous Fries; you’ll experience shoestring potatoes in their most superior, rich and thicc potato form!
This product is manufactured on shared equipment also used for dairy and wheat.