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Delizza Belgian Mini Cream Puffs 30pcs
- Multi-pack (30 counts)
- Mini Cream Puffs 375g in 1 container
- Made with Real Sugar
- Filled with Fresh Whipped Cream
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 0.49 KGs
Product Dimensions: 8 x 3 x 8
Product Details +
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After a proper hearty meal, of couse, desserts must come next! Then De Lizza Belgian Mini Cream Puffs will round off that sumptuous feast you just have. These puffs are crafted from a time-honored Belgian recipe, the finest ingredients, and fresh whipped cream.
We bet you can’t wait to finish your meal so you can start poppin’ on De Lizza Belgian Mini Cream Puffs indulgence awaiting you in the freezer. Or you’re probably scheming to finish off your meal, excuse yourself from the rest and secretly solo these delightful cream puffs. It’s okay, we won’t tell. We have the same idea anyway!
Allergen information: contains milk, eggs, wheat, and soy.