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Blue Ribbon Classics Ice Cream Chocolate and Vanilla Flavor 3.78L
- Single Item
- Reduced Fat Ice Cream in 1 container
- Friends + Family Size
- Chocolate & Vanilla Flavor
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 3.8 KGs
Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 6 x 7.5
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On a hot summer’s day, we know what we always crave for ice cream! We get you, because the feeling’s mutual! So, come on, walk quickly to the freezer and get a fill of your favorite ice cream in the comforts of your own home with Blue Ribbon Classics Chocolate & Vanilla. Don’t think twice now, just grab a spoon, dig in, and taste for yourself premium Chocolate & Vanilla Ice Cream that you’ve been dying for all day long!
Like Sherlock to Watson and Bonnie and Clyde, the combo of Chocolate & Vanilla is a timeless classic you should never miss out on. Blue Ribbon Classics Ice Cream is more than just ice cream! Every tub will surely make smile and memories, especially if it’s shared with the family!
Watch your dog when consuming these dog chews. Make sure they’re thoroughly chewed before swallowing. To avoid harm to your dog, do no let dogs gulp large pieces.