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Blue Bunny Ice Cream Pistachio Almond 1.41L
- Single Item
- Ice cream in 1 plastic container
- Loaded with vitamins and minerals essential for good bone health
- Perfect dessert for a hot day
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 0.9 KGs
Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 4.5 x 5.3
Product Details +
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Aw nuts! Pistachio and almond in one ice cream, that's crazy... delicious! Check out Blue Bunny Pistachio Almond Ice Cream and make your hot day brighter yet refreshing! This ice cream is packed with minerals and vitamins that make your bones stronger, and it can even uplift your mood. Coming from the United States, this deserves a spot in your shopping list.
Find Blue Bunny Pistachio Almond Ice Cream on S&R Membership Shopping and have a taste of this nutty delight!
Freshness and quality satisfaction are a priority here at S&R Membership Shopping. Our mission is to deliver fresh products to your home within any applicable use by, sell by, best by or expiration dates.
Blue Bunny Pistachio Almond Ice Cream can last for months! Keep it refrigerated to lengthen its freshness. Consume immediately after opening.