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Binggrae Melona Purple Yam Ice Cream Bar 8pcs
- Multi-pack (8 counts)
- Frozen Dessert Bars,560mL in 1 packaging
- Creamy & Rich
- Artificially Flavored Yam
- Product of Korea
Actual Weight: 0.65 KGs
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 2.5 x 8
Product Details +
Specifications +
Reviews (0) +
Purple Yam (Ube) lovers come through! Here comes an ice-cold Ube treat you’ll surely sink your teeth to – Melona Purple Yam! Each frozen bar is packed with the delectable goodness and flavor you ever wanted from Ube! It’s got that creamy & rich feel on the mouth as you slowly thaw it with your mouth until there’s nothing left, and you reaching for another piece.
All you see is purple, and we can see your eyes ignite with much gusto, so keen to get your hands on Melona Purple Yam right away! That’s fine, we understand, because we feel the same way too.
Keep frozen. After opening, keep refrigerated to maintain freshness.