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Binggrae Melona Melon Flavored Dessert Bars 8pcs
- Multi-pack (8 counts)
- Melon flavored ice pops in 1 packaging
- Creamy and fruity dessert
- Best served chilled
- Product of Korea
Actual Weight: 0.66 KGs
Product Dimensions: 5.6 x 5.8 x 8.1
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Experience the creamy goodness sin every pack of Melona Ice pops! It’s the dessert bar that always satisfy your sweet cravings during the hot, sunny season. In every suck and pop, you will take your taste buds to an instant trip to Korea as it has that snowy and chilly feel in your palate.
Share it with your friends and loved ones, and enjoy the Melon flavored dessert bars that are exquisitely developed by Korea’s number 1 trusted ice cream brand, Melona. Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
We GUARANTEE FRESHNESS and QUALITY satisfaction with this product, and that it will be delivered with any applicable use by, sell by, best by or expiration dates.
Consume upon opening.
Keep refrigerated.
Shelf life may last to 2-3 months if kept chilled and refrigerated.
Warning: contains dairy