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Bear Brand Powdered Milk Drink 2.4kg
- Single Item
- Milk Drink in 1 packaging
- Fortified with 100% Vitamin D.
- Protein | Calcium
- Packaging may vary depending on the stock availability
Actual Weight: 2.42 KGs
Product Dimensions: 7 x 4 x 15
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Are you searching for a milk that's not just a drink but a source of strength and nourishment for you and your family? Look no further! Introducing Bear Brand Powdered Milk Drink 2.4kg – the trusted choice for generations, providing a rich and creamy taste that nourishes every moment!
Bear Brand is enriched with essential nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and protein, promoting strong bones, healthy teeth, and overall well-being. It's the perfect addition to your daily diet for a strong foundation.