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Nescafe Taster's Choice House Blend Instant Coffee 397g
- Single Item
- Instant Coffee in 1 plastic jar
- 100% Pure Coffee
- Smooth and balanced, light roast coffee
- Product of the USA
Actual Weight: 0.54 KGs
Product Dimensions: 4.5 x 4.5 x 9
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Nothing beats a fresh cup of coffee in right after you wake up, especially when it’s the right blend of Nescafe Tasters' Choice House Blend Instant Coffee. Come, and wake up to the rich and fragrant aroma of 100% pure coffee, which is smooth and balanced. Get your spoons ready as each jar can make up to 210 cups of coffee, so you won’t have to worry about not having that much needed caffeine jolt in the morning to start your day right.
What are you waiting for, get some water heating on the kettle and get them spoons ready for a delicious hot cup of Nescafe Tasters' Choice House Blend to start your morning right.
Store in a cool dry place or keep packaged in a protective atmosphere to keep moisture from seeping into the coffee grounds.