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Member’s Mark Whole Bean French Roast Coffee 1.13kg
- Single Item
- Roast Coffee granules in 1 resealable bag
- 100% Arabica Coffee
- Dark Roast: Roasted Aroma Notes & High Body
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 1.18 KGs
Product Dimensions: 5 x 3.14 x 15
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Love at first sip. Even just catching a whiff of the inviting aroma, you’ll know that this is the one – Member’s Mark Whole Bean French Roast Coffee. This ethically sourced 100% Arabica beans went through every stage of the coffee process; from collection to roasting and packaging, all done with precision and care to bring you that bold and roasted blend that brews up a perfectly balanced cup of coffee.
Coffee connoisseurs and beginners alike are all welcome to experience this new world of whole bean coffee. Your perfect hot cup begins here with Member’s Mark Whole Bean French Roast!
Keeping brewed coffee fresh: Fresh-brewed coffee degrades over time, especially when left on a burner or warmer. It is best when consumed within an hour or so. Also, reheating, or boiling brewed coffee is not recommended.