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Lotte Milkis Strawberry Carbonated Drink 6x250mL
- Multi-Pack
- Refreshing Strawberry Infusion
- Convenient 6-Pack
- Unique Milk and Carbonated Blend
- Packaging may vary depending on the stock availability
Actual Weight: 1.74 KGs
Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 4.5 x 5.5
Product Details +
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Lotte Milkis Strawberry Carbonated Drink 6x250mL - a symphony of strawberry sweetness and carbonated crispness, making every sip a delightful escape to refreshment.
Savor the perfect harmony of creamy milk and fizzy refreshment with Lotte Milkis Strawberry Carbonated Drink 6x250mL, featuring real strawberry flavor in a convenient pack for a uniquely delightful drinking experience.