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S&R Alumahan approx. 1.3kg
- Sold per pack, priced per kilogram
- Premium Choice Pieces of Mackerel in 1 packaging
- 100% Organic
- Rich in Protein
- High in Omega-3 and Vitamin B12
Actual Weight: 1.3 KGs
Product Dimensions: 9.5 x 2.5 x 7
Product Details +
Specifications +
Reviews (0) +
Whether sarciado, pinangat, or kinamatisan S&R's Alumahan is perfect for any fish dish you'll serve the family. S&R Alumahan gives you that moist, luscious, oily and flaky flesh packed in a single fish. It's not just tasty but it's extremely healthy! Rich in Omega-3 and Vitamin B12, Alumahan is also packed with other vitamins and minerals sure to keep you strong and healthy.
Want to elevate your Alumahan recipe? Marinate our S&R Alumahan in a sweet and savory soy glaze to make teriyaki mackerel. Wrap it in lettuce, serve it over rice or toasted bread and you've got yourself one heck of a tasty and healthy dish! So get a pack (or two) of S&R Alumahan and enjoy that fresh ocean flavor right at the comfort of your home.
We ensure you that it's Always Fresh and Delivered Daily.We guarantee the FRESHNESS and QUALITY satisfaction of this product. We'll make sure to deliver it right at your doorstep with any applicable use by, sell by, best by, or expiration dates.
Highly recommended in following the indicated shelf life and to use the product on the same day the packaging has been opened.