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Sunwest California Extra Fancy Calrose Rice 10kg
- Single Item
- Calrose Rice in 1 sack
- Fine grain rice
- High quality, and fancy
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 11.52 KGs
Product Dimensions: 12 x 3 x 20
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Make your meals a lot more tastier and heavier when you serve yourself a freshly cooked steamed white Calrose Rice from SunWest. SunWest is known to provide one of the best-tasting rice across the United States of America, so you are guaranteed to have the tastiest and freshest rice grains out there in the market.
Serve it hot, serve it fresh. SunWest is the rice that you can say the best. So, what are you waiting for? Make every meal oh-so hearty with SunWest! Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
Consume upon opening.
Store in a dry, cool place.
Shelf life may last up to 4-5 years if stored in a favorable area or vacuum sealed and unopened. Store inside a tightly sealed container