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Members' Value Pork Pigue Skin-on Boneless approx. 2kg
- Sold per pack, priced per kilogram
- Pork in 1 packaging
- Protein rich food
- Non-flavored meat
- Sizes vary depending on the stock availability
Actual Weight: 2 KGs
Product Dimensions: 12 x 8.5 x 1.5
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Having a hard time finding leg ham skin-on and boneless cut meats? Start elevating your pork leg ham dishes by getting yourself Pigue Skinless Boneless meat. A perfectly meat cut exclusive for pork leg ham so you can enjoy the next level leg ham experience.
Consume upon opening.
Store in a cool, dry place.
Check the package label before opening it.
Do not purchase if the packaging is open or broken.