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Coleman Sportflex Backpack Cooler
- Single Item
- Antimicrobial Liner
- Durable and Flexible Construction
- Multiple Pockets
- Packaging may vary depending on stock availability
Actual Weight: 0.88 KGs
Product Dimensions: 13 x 8 x 16
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Experience cool convenience on the move with the Coleman Sportflex Backpack Cooler – your perfect partner for outdoor adventures, offering 15 liters of freshness and hands-free portability.
The Coleman Sportflex Backpack Cooler is the ultimate companion for on-the-go adventures. With a spacious 15-liter capacity, this backpack cooler is designed to keep your beverages and snacks chilled while providing hands-free convenience. The Sportflex features an antimicrobial liner to resist odor, mold, and mildew, making it perfect for outdoor activities. The durable and flexible construction, along with multiple pockets, makes it an ideal choice for hikers, campers, and sports enthusiasts.