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Lifetime Foldable Table 5ft 1pc
- Single Item
- Foldable plastic table in 1 packaging
- 5ft, dimension: 27.4 x 60 inch
- Accommodates 6 people
- Made with high quality materials for maximum durability
Actual Weight: 10.39 KGs
Product Dimensions: 29.5 x 3 x 27.5
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Call everyone, and engage in a conversation done while dining! If you think you got no space to accommodate the people dear to you, then your wrong. In a thousand lifetimes, there's Lifetime table, the perfect home furnishing piece that allows you to save space while being ergonomic, functional, and stylish.
Each table you use allows you to save space for yourself, and provide enough space to host for a hearty dinner. It's foldable for easy storage, and it's big enough to welcome the people you love. So, what are you waiting for? Shop your trusty Lifetime table only at S&R Membership Shopping!
Store in a dry, cool place.
Wash and sanitize before and after use.
Keep away from source of fire and areas where it will be exposed to direct sunlight for a long period of time.