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Sensodyne Fresh Mint Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth Triple Pack 3pcs
- Multi-pack (3 tubes)
- Toothpaste in 1 packaging
- #1 Dentist Recommended brand for sensitive teeth
- Fresh mint flavor that keeps your mouth feeling fresh and clean
- Provides 24/7 sensitivity protection
Actual Weight: 0.36 KGs
Product Dimensions: 7.04 x 1.37 x 5.2
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Weak, sensitive teeth got you fearing to enjoy that delectable gelato? How about just munching on ice itself (not recommended though)? Sensitive teeth are just too much and it holds you back from life’s pleasurable eats. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of those beamers with Sensodyne® Fresh Mint Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth. As the most dentist-recommended toothpaste brand for sensitive teeth, Sensodyne effectively removes plaque with regular brushing and contains fluoride to prevent tooth decay.
It also has that hard-to-miss minty taste that keeps mouth feeling clean and fresh. Think of Sensodyne® Toothpaste as your quick patch to sensitive teeth, because it really is! Make sure to brush regularly!
Directions: Brush twice a day and not more than three times, minimize swallowing and spit out. Sensitive teeth may indicate an underlying problem which needs prompt care by a dentist. If symptoms persist, see your dentist. If irritation occurs, discontinue use.
Always follow the label. Not for use by children under 12 years of age unless on advice of a dental professional or physician. Keep out of reach of children.