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Ocuisine Roaster Oval 2pc Glassware 1 set
- Multi-pack (2 pieces)
- Roaster Glass bakeware in 1 set
- For your baking, cooking, and roasting needs, comes in 4L and 2L containers
- Made with durable glass
- Product of France
Actual Weight: 2.94 KGs
Product Dimensions: 15 x 8 x 11
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Planning to create that big batch of baked goods? Well, O cuisine from France has your back on this one! With O Cuisines Roaster Glass Cookware, you can definitely create a huge batch of your favorite baked pasta, pastries or any meals! It has a durable glass containers that you can easily shape your food in.
It can withstand up to 572 degrees Fahrenheit, so the glass is made to its top quality for ultimate durability! What are you waiting for? Start serving your awesome baked goodies to everyone with O Cuisine Bakeware Set! Get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
Store in a dry, cool place.
Wash and sanitize before and after use.
Keep away from source of fire and areas where it will be exposed to direct sunlight for a long period of time.