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Breville the Smart Oven Pro 21L BOV820BSS
- Single Item
- Smart Oven in 1 box
- Can accommodate 21 Liters of baking ingredient
- Bake, Toast, and Grill in this automatic and digital baking machine
- Product of Australia
Actual Weight: 10 KGs
Product Dimensions: 22.5 x 17.5 x 14.5
Product Details +
Specifications +
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Start your baking journey when you have a trusty Breville the Smart Oven Pro! This Oven is digitally enhanced for your easier baking, toasting, and grilling. It is made with the highest quality materials, so you are guaranteed to have the most durable and smartest smart oven in the market.
Your favorite pastries, savory treats, and baked meals is now possible to be done quicker and easier with Breville. What are you waiting for? Go and get yours now at S&R Membership Shopping!
Place in a secured area without obstructions.
Check its functions before using.
Double check items for defects before using.
Make sure to check it at least twice a month for maximum performance and efficiency.