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Dan D Pak Rolled Oats 1kg
- Single Item
- Rolled Oats in 1 resealable bag
- From the Canadian Prairies
- Cleaned & De-hulled Raw Oats
- Product of Canada
Actual Weight: 1.04 KGs
Product Dimensions: 9 x 4 x 11
Product Details +
Specifications +
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C'est très délicieux! Pourquoi oui! If you’re wondering what these two imaginary French guys are talking about, we don’t know either! Hahaha! We’re kidding, they’re just saying how awesomely delicious Dan-D Pak are. Empty your bowl so that it may be filled again with more Dan-D Pak oats, apt to nourish your day right. They’re cleaned, de-hulled, and then heated to produce an enzyme-stabilized oat groat – perfect for your consumption any time of the day!
Now, you are like this cup – so full of Dan-D Pak that nothing more will fit in. Come back to us with an empty bowl after you finish and fill them again with this healthy breakfast to start your path to healthier lifestyle.
Directions: Bring water and salt to a boil. Add Dan-D Pak, reduce heat and cook 5 minutes (depending on the consistency you desire). Stir occasionally. Cover and remove from heat and let stand a few minutes.
Store in a cool, dry place. As long as they're stored in a sealed container in a cool, dry place, most oats should last one to two years before they start to turn funky.