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Kirkland Signature Milk Chocolate Covered Almonds 1.36kg
- Single Item
- Chocolate covered almonds in 1 plastic jar
- Rich and creamy
- Crunchy snack
- Product of USA
Actual Weight: 1.51 KGs
Product Dimensions: 5 x 4.5 x 7
Product Details +
Specifications +
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When you feel like munching on something, yet you don’t know which snack, then this must be the snack that will solve your mind-boggling problem. Kirkland Signature Milk Chocolate Covered Almonds is the product that can make you define ‘perfection’ in a snap. It has this rich and creamy milk chocolate cover that blends well with the tasty and crunchy almonds.
It is truly an ensemble of flavor in every bite. Each piece is an artisan in motion. A different from your usual snacks. Kirkland Signature truly innovates and delivers high quality products and one of which is in the form of this milk chocolate covered almonds. Try it now! Get it at S&R Membership Shopping no less!
Consume upon opening.
Shelf life may last up to 6 to 12 months if stored properly and unopened.
Warning: contains almonds (nut)