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Downy Fabric Conditioner Floral 8.5L
- Single Item
- Fabric Conditioner in 1 refill bottle
- Floral Aroma that protects from Bad Odors
- 2-times more aroma
- Product of the USA
Actual Weight: 8.81 KGs
Product Dimensions: 6 x 10.5 x 13
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When it comes to fabric conditioner, Filipinos have grown to trust and love the fragrances that Downy brings to their laundry. With Downy Floral Fabric Conditioner, give your clothes a delightful floral scent that lasts long, keeping you and your apparel smelling great for the day. Make every load of laundry count with a fresh scent from a brand you know and trust with Downy Floral Fabric Conditioner.
Store at room temperature/conserver.